(超聲 LIPUS 加速骨癒合)

目前醫界已確定非侵入式的特定超聲波照射骨折處,能夠加速骨骼癒合縮短治療時間,透過特定超聲波在骨骼癒合過程中,活化特定酵素、增加局部血液循環, 並提供所需的穩定物理性刺激,經由這些刺激,72hr 內局部的血流量即可比未治療前增加4倍, 讓生長因素增加並聚集,進而帶來新增的血管組織,形成新的一波養分,此一良性循環, 大量製造並提供骨折癒合時期所需要的養分和血液。



研究發現 LIPUS 活化特定酵素,例如蛋白聚醣和轉化生長因子-b合成(TGF-b),II型膠原含量,信使RNA(mRNA)聚集蛋白聚醣產生,鈣攝取和減少的甲狀旁腺激素反應 。 所有這些觀察結果與骨形成或吸收直接相關。

LIPUS 處理難癒合骨裂個案

LIPUS 處理難癒合骨裂個案成功率
67% (humerus)
90% (radius/radius-ulna)
82% (femur)
87% (tibia/tibia-fibula)
Ref: doi: 10.1097/BOT.0b013e3181d2efaf

Micro-3D CT findings at 28, 35, and 42 days after surgery in the bone allograft group. a-f are micro-3D-CT findings from different rats. a-c are the LIPUS-treated femora, and d-f are the untreated femora. a and d are at day 28 after surgery. b and e are at day 35 after surgery. c and f are at day 42 after surgery. The newly formed bone contains trabecular bone and intertrabecular bone marrow cavities (black arrows).
Sourcing: Kitasato Med J 2011; 41: 184-192

創傷性骨折已鑲鋼片 (手術後調理)
更換人工關節 (手術後調理)
牙齒植入 (手術後調理)
增高 (手術後調理)

EXOGEN 4000+ Ultrasound bone healing system

(Exogen 2000+ / 4000+ )
Exogen Manual click here
Brochure: click here
Video in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhFaTv0mb9k

Apply Technology: LIPUS 30mW/cm2; 1000hz RPF; 1.5Mhz

Made in USA
Exogen 4000+: ~HKD40000

OSTEOTRON IV Ultrasound bone healing system

(Osteotron IV)
Osteotron catalog click here
Osteotron manual click here
Video in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqm-SpKBxNk
Apply technology: Capacitively coupled electrical fields and LIPUS
Feature: LIPUS 30/45/60mW/cm2; 100Hz/1000Hz RPF; 0.75Mhz/1.5Mhz
Made in Japan ITO
Price: HKD40000

(TendonCARE Bio-328A)
Apply Technology: LIPUS - Dual channels interval stimulation
Feature: 30mW/cm2; (+/- 5mW/cm2 ) 1000hz RPF; 1.5Mhz
Price: HKD xxxx
Made in Hong Kong


An invitro study using osteoblasts showed that LIPUS exposure led to the upregulation of interleukin-8, basic fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, and non-collagenous bone proteins, and the downregulation of steoclasts.

In vivo studies have demonstrated that therapeutic LIPUS can promote bone repair and regeneration, accelerate bone fracture healing, and enhance osteogenesis at the distraction site. It has also been shown in invitro studies that LIPUS stimulation can enhance expression of bone formation-related genes such as collagen type I and X, aggrecan, transforming growth factor beta, runt related gene-2,osteocalcin, insulin-like growth factor-I, bone sialoprotein and alkaline phosphatase.
(Dr. Shivendra Pal Singh et al. / IJRID Volume 4 Issue 5 Sep.-Oct. 2014)

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