Health care on calming Panic and Anxiety
中華針灸 | Chinese Acupuncture | |
平伏恐慌與焦慮 | Calming Panic and Anxiety | |
超聲針與光療針(夕陽諧波)應用 | Application for Ultrasound accupuncture and Sunset harmonic | 超聲針-主頁 光療針(夕陽諧波)-主頁 |
F1**內關穴 | F1**Neiguan (Pericardium Meridian-PC6) | |
寧心、安神、和胃、寬胸、降逆、止嘔 | Calms the mind, soothes the nerves, harmonizes the stomach, broadens the chest, relieves adverse reactions, and relieves nausea | |
心律失常(主要是激動起源失常)、 高血壓 |
Cardiac Arrhythmias (mainly of agitational origin), hypertension | |
詳細 | Detail | |
F2**神門穴 | F2**Shenmen (Shenmen-HT7) Emotions and Anxiety with Palpitations |
安神寧心,清火涼營,清心熱,調氣逆 | Tranquilize the mind, clear the fire and cool the camp, clear the heart and heat, regulate and smoothen Qi | |
痴呆,癲癇,健忘,心悸,心煩,失眠 | Dementia, Epilepsy,Forgetfulness, Palpitations, Upset, Insomnia | |
詳細 | Detail | |
F3**百會穴 | F3**Baihui (Governing Vessel-GV20) | |
平肝熄風,安神,醒腦,開竅,明目, 升提陽氣 |
Suppresses the Liver and calms the wind, soothes the nerves, refreshes the brain, resuscitates, improves eyesight, enhances Yang Qi | |
高血壓,低血壓,休克,抑鬱症, 神經衰弱,精神分裂症 |
Hypertension, Hypotension, Shock, Depression, Neurasthenia, Schizophrenia | |
詳細 | Detail | |
F4**印堂穴 | F4**Yintang (EX-HN3) | |
高血壓,失眠 | high blood pressure, insomnia | |
精神病 高血壓 | mental illness high blood pressure | |
詳細 | Detail | |
F5**湧泉穴 | F5**Yongquan (Kidney Meridian-KI1) | |
泄熱、降火、開竅 | Expelling heat, reducing fire, resuscitating, | |
低血壓、高血壓、失語、精神分裂症、 癔病(歇斯底里)、三叉神經痛 |
Hypotension, Hypertension, Aphasia, Schizophrenia, Hysteria, Trigeminal neuralgia | |
詳細 | Detail | |
● 干擾波止痛機 Interferial Pain relieves