Health care on Diabetes with acupoints for affected upper, middle and lower symptoms
糖尿病 - 穴位 上中下焦症狀 |
Acupoints for diff. symtom of Diabetic | 超聲針-主頁Click here |
從中醫角度分解你身體狀況 | To understand your body from view of Chinese medicine | Click here(Chinese only) |
健胰 | Pancrea health | +/- Pancrea health |
上消口乾 | Upper - Thirsting symtom | +/- Thirsting symtom |
中消易飢 | Middle - Easy hungry symtom | +/- Easy hungry |
下消多尿 | Lower - Polyuria symtom | +/- Polyuria symtom |
參考穴位 | Refer to acupoints | |
D1**肺俞(足太陽) - 散發肺臟之熱 |
D1**Feishu (BL13) | |
肺氣、散與降 - 清肺熱 | Nasal congestion, | |
鼻塞、補虛 | Clear Lung's heat and spreading | |
強化肺臟調節與健康 | Strengthens Lung's regulation | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D2**胰俞(經外) - 胰腺反應點 |
D2**Weiwanxiashu (EX-B3) | |
清除熱量,產生液體 | Clears Heat, generates fluids | |
糖尿病: 消渴,咳嗽,咽乾 |
Diabetes, dryness of the throat | |
胃痛、胰腺炎、胸脅痛 | Gastric pain, pain in hypochondrium | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D3**脾俞(足太陽) - 健脾養胃 |
D3**Pishu (BL20) | |
腹脹、嘔吐、泄瀉 | Abdominal distention, Diarrhea, | |
嘔吐和水腫 | Vomiting and Edema | |
健脾利濕、養胃生清 | Tonifying Spleen and Stomach | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D4**胃俞(足太陽) - 和胃健脾 |
D4**Weishu (BL21) | |
胃痛、消化不良 | Gastralgia, Dyspepsia, | |
胃下垂、腹瀉、嘔吐 | Gastroptosis, Diarrhea and Vomiting | |
消積滯 | Digest depletion | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D5**膈俞(足太陽) - 清血熱 |
D5**Geshu (BL17) | |
貧血 | Anemia | |
虛損昏暈 | Debilitating faint | |
腹脹 | Bloating | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D6**關元俞(足太陽) - 緩解尿多 |
D6**Guanyuanshu - (BL26) | |
遺精、月經不調 | Spermatorrhea, Irregular menstruation | |
腹瀉、遺尿 | Diarrhea, Enuresis | |
消化不良、益腎 | Dyspepsia, Tonifying Kidney | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D7**魚際穴 (肺經) - 緩解煩渴 |
D7**Yuji (LU10) | |
清肺熱、通經活絡 | Spreading excess heat of Lung - | |
咳嗽、咽喉腫痛 | a form of yang, reckless | |
清熱利咽、止咳平喘、通經活絡 | Cough, Sore throat, clear sputum | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D8**陽池穴(三焦經) - 緩解煩渴 |
D8**Yangchi (SJ4/TE4) | |
咽喉腫痛 | Sore throat | |
消渴 (糖尿病) | Thirsting (Diabetes) | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D9**意舍穴(足太陽) - 下肢血循環 |
D9**Yishe (BL49) | |
肝炎,膽囊炎 | Hepatitis, Cholecystitis | |
消渴 (糖尿病) | Thirsting (Diabetes) | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D10**中脘(任脈) - 和胃作用 |
D10**Zhongwan (Ren12/CV12) | |
胃腸運動功能性疾病、 消化不良 |
Abdominal distention | |
胰腺炎、肝炎、胃炎 | Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, Gastritis | |
神經衰弱 | Neurasthenia | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D11**足三里(足陽明) - 調理脾胃 |
D11**(Stomach ST36) | |
胃炎、消化不良 | Gastritis, indigestion | |
高血壓、高脂血 | Hypertension, Hyperlipemia | |
胰腺炎、腸炎 | Pancreatitis, Enteritis | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D12**下巨虛 - | D12**(Stomach ST39) | |
下肢痿痹、麻痺 | Lower limb paralysis | |
急慢性腸炎小腹痛 | Small abdominal pain | |
膝腫 | Knee swelling | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D13**陽陵泉(足少陽) - 控制食慾 |
D13**Yanglingquan (GB34) | |
疏泄肝膽、清利濕熱 | Harmonizes Liver Qi Shaoyang | |
口腔苦味、嘔吐 | Bitter taste of mouth, vomiting | |
下肢無力、麻木和疼痛 | Weakness, numbness in lower limbs | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D14**陰陵泉(足太陰) - 排滲脾濕 |
D14**Yinlingquan (SP9) | |
排尿困難、尿失禁、 水腫 |
Dysuria,Incontinence of urine, Edema | |
腹脹、腹瀉 | Resolves Dampness (Lower limbs) | |
排滲脾濕、調膀胱 | Tonifying Spleen and Urination | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D15**三陰交(足太陰) - 下肢血循環 |
D15**Sanyinjiao (SP6) | |
遺尿、水腫、排尿、 腹瀉 |
Enuresis, Edema, Dysuria, Diarrhea | |
腹鳴、心腹脹滿 | Borborygmus, Abdominal distention | |
脾胃虛弱 | Spleen and Stomach deficiency | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D16**太溪穴(足少陰) - 益腎、降火 |
D16**Taixi (KI3) | |
小便頻數、耳聾、耳鳴 | Frequent urinate, Deafness, Tinnitus | |
月經不調、陽痿、腰痛 | Irregular menstruation, Impotence | |
腎虛益腎、清熱生氣 | Kidney deficiency, Lumbar pain | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D17**地機穴(足太陰) - 降糖作用 |
D17**Diji (SP8) | |
月經不調、痛經 | Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, | |
遺精、陽痿、腰痛 | Spermatorrhea, impotence, lumbar pain | |
調和脾臟、調節血氣 | Harmonizes the Spleen, regulates Qi | |
詳細 | Detail | |
D18**然谷穴(足少陰) - 降糖作用 |
D18**Rangu (KI2) | |
遺精、月經不調 | Spermatorrhea, Irregular menstruation | |
益氣固腎、清熱利濕、足跗腫痛 | Swelling and pain of dorsum of foot | |
瀉熱、消脹 | Balance blood sugar | |
詳細 | Detail | |
● 干擾波止痛機 Interferial Pain relieves